
(birth name: Szymon Hernik)

Skinny piece of meat who lives in a trash bag known as Brussels (BE).

Always drawing.


szymonhernik123 [at] gmail [dot] com
IG: @szymoon_hernik
are.na: szy_her
phone: +48 668 660 999


co-founder isz szi studio 2020 —
freelance designer and web developer 2019 —
intern [at] nmrdotcc 2020

cv portfolio available on request

isz szi studio

isz szi is an art and design studio composed of Ire and Szy. As the name may suggest, what we offer is a combination of what our bodies can do. On a daily basis we design and code websites, read books and consider our relationship to the WWW. We are and will remain sensitive.

Currently our main focus is on running a newsletter called branches - how do you describe complexity?


IG: @isz_szi_studio
are.na: isz szi

newsletter: branches

daily drawing archive: wobbly drawing


active 2022 —
selected clients: Sanatorium of Sound, Zaumne, Komuna Warszawa